Earn money online2025 from CPAlead.. $120+ Per Day
can you really earn $120 or more per day by sharing links on social media by using CPA lead as it claims or is it a waste of time my name is Mike L made money online for more than 8 years and many viewers have asked me for an updated CPA lead review because on the website it looks like it can be a very easy way to earn some good money by sharing links on social media and let me just Ral right away that it does have potential you can potentially earn but there are also a lot of details that many people do not tell you that you really need to consider to find out if this is the right opportunity for you or not so in this video I'll go through exactly how it works the pros and the cons so you can find out if you should use it or not so I'm now on CPA lead which is the platform that says that you can earn money by sharing different social media content you can see here for example you can share these different codes here or different content about Roblox Minecraft GTA fortnite all these different things and then potentially earn good money and you can earn by that but let me now log in and then I'll will explain a little bit more about how it works and also just to make it clear it is something you can potentially do from all countries but please watch this full video so you know what to expect before jumping into it so I have now logged into CPA lead and CPA lead is a CPA Market marketing platform or network and CPA stands for cost per acquisition or cost per action so usually the way you make money with CPA marketing which is basically the same as affiliate marketing you will share links and then when people click them it will be tracked and if they take a certain action then you will get paid and in this case here they have information here on the website you can see here a video here where they explain how it works and then what you would basically need to do is we'll talk about the full earning potentially a little bit later is but you would need to find something like they say that you want to share something about Roblox they have like Minecraft Roblox GTA fortnite all these different here where you can see that you can give them different glitches share different glitches or guides or something like that so if we just say Roblox for example you would click here and then you see here it's called like a fish script for Roblox Auto fish and infinite totem so honestly I don't play Roblox I'm not sure what that is but if you are into Roblox or people are I'm sure that this is something that people would think is quite exciting but what the idea would be then that you would then copy this link here and then you would share this link here on different social media where it would be relevant and let me just open up a screen so you can see what would then happen if people click that link if people then click that link they will be taken to a page similar to this depending on the offer that you have shared and the idea here is then that people people will say that okay they can get this here personally if I came to a site like this from a link that I had just seen randomly and it was not from a person that I had trusted know I would not dare to click something saying download now but you know that's just my opinion but I think a lot of people will feel like that so that's just one thing to consider that is not as easy as just going around spamming it we'll talk a little bit about which strategy you should use for something like this in my opinion later but first I'll just show you the idea of this that people will then click here to download and then for them to be able to get access to this they would need to complete one of these offers this is basically just some paid offers so these are the CPA offers that that person will then be forced to take at least one off and when they complete that then you will get paid and the offers that are shown here will depend on the country the person that clicks the link is in so that is nice aspect that is not just the same because then it will be limited where you can promote it but they will actually be depending on that and the payout will also vary so the thing is that you don't know how much you will earn because some of the offers shown they will give maybe 20 cents or so some of them maybe give two or three dollar if a person clicks and completes the offer so you can potentially earn $120 or more per day and that's at least what CPA lead themselves say in their presentation video but it's not that easy because you would need to get a lot of people to click that again we'll talk about the overall earning potential limitation the strategy I recommend and all that a little bit later but the thing that I do like is that it does change the office depending on the location of the person that clicks it what I do not like is that you first of all do not know what you learn secondly that you do not know what you will actually promote because some of these might be where people have to share a lot of personal details and will get bombarded with promotional offers and how I feel when it comes to for example affiliate marketing and CPA marketing where you promote an offer where you share it with audience then I always need to make sure that it's something that I know is worth it and here yes maybe this one behind you know will be worth it but you don't even know because you can't even see if that script or that whatever it is is working for real because you can't actually test it until you have actually completed an offer so that's one aspect I don't like I also don't like here that these offers you don't know what people will choose so you don't know if it's something that you really cannot recommend and that's the main issue I have about this because there are some ever thinks about it there is some potential but this whole aspect about the lack of quality control where you cannot control yourself or test yourself what you are actually recommending that is a huge issue in my opinion and the next challenge is that even though they say you just need to find different social media groups that are for example interested in Roblox or Reddit or whever it can be and then you just share it there then it's not that easy because you will easily get banned from these places if you just start sharing random links even if you have shortened them and all that and also just think about even though in the video they share they make it look very easy to earn $120 per day but just think about how many people that would need to click it and how many people that you know not all of them will actually complete it an offer like this once they find out they have to do something that random that has nothing to do with it you know the conversion rate will likely be quite low so there's these big challenges so if you're new you might think that you can just go around spam your links and so social media will earn a lot of money but it is not that easy and that's something you need to be aware of it will require a lot of time and effort to build up an audience if you want real results from something like this or by promoting other affiliate or CPA offers but I'll talk a little bit more about this strategy that I recommend if you want to succeed with CPA marketing or affiliate marketing first let's just quickly talk about how you could actually get paid from CPA lead because we also need to talk about that that's an important aspect to consider before choosing any platform to sign up for so when it comes to the payment methods this is one thing that I do like about it they do offer you know quite a few different ones PayPal pioner check by mail or wire transfer you only need to earn $1 also to get paid so though that aspect is is definitely great in my opinion and they actually also do pay once per day so once you start earning if you decide to do this then it definitely is a platform where you can quickly get your earnings but my main issue about this is not the payout option it is the strategy that most people use for something like this because for most people it will just not really work so let me talk a little bit about what I recommend for something like this when we're talking about CPA marketing or affiliate marketing so the issue I have with this strategy that CPA lead shows where you just share these links on social media where people can potentially get these like cheat code scripts whatever it can be is that in my opinion it's not long-term thinking it might give you a few dollars here now but that's not what CPA marketing or affiliate marketing is supposed to be that's something that's supposed to build up you can build a real business if you think longterm that potentially can give you real freedom to work whenever you want to and wherever you want to with a great income and this is just not a strategy that will bring you there in my opinion experience so what I recommend is that you stop looking for quick fixes if you want to build a real income with CPA marketing you need to think long term and think about that you are building a business and focus on what you can do to help people and provide value to people and that way you can start building up a real audience that is interested in your content for examp because if you share something in the Social Media Group first of all there's a big risk that you will get blocked and there's only that many groups where you can go around sharing it and the ones that actually allow it they will usually also just be full of spam so no one will really click it and and you just keep doing that it will get tiring with very little results if you instead then focus on quality how can you build an audience how can you provide value to someone whether it is by creating a blog or a YouTube channel or Instagram or Tik Tok or whatever it is how can you provide value and if you learn how to do this then eventually you will also have an audience that you can for example share offers with CPA offers affiliate offers that you know are truly relevant for them that you have checked out that you have tested so you know it's actually something worth recommending and then they will also know that they can trust you because you have proven that you have provided value and then you will suddenly start seeing conversions you will start seeing earnings you will start seeing it building up to a real business and a real income and people will continue doing that they will share your content and that is how you do it long term it will take time it will take effort but it is a sustainable way to build a real online income so let me make it completely clear that CPA lead can work because many people have asked me about that but if you want to succeed with CPA marketing or affiliate marketing stop focusing on the offers you can find first of all that's the wrong way around to start and not on the platform you can join to find those offers what you need to do first of all is to focus on learning the strategy learning how to execute it and then just keep taking action consistently over a longer period of time to build a real audience this is how you build it up long term so this is the approach that I recommend and if you want to learn the exact steps that I recommend you do this from scratch if you're complete beginner then I'll leave a link below to my top recommended way to learn about affiliate marketing CBA marketing how to build up an audience how to connect with them and how to help them so you can build it into a real thriving business eventually so I'll leave a link to that below so you can go and check that out if you think this sounds like something for you but be aware it is only for you if if you interested in actually putting in time and effort over a longer period of time but no matter what I hope this video helped you and if it did then make sure to hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the notification Bell so you won't miss out next time I releas a video with tips and tricks about different ways to make money online