Earn money online from YouTube Shorts Using Only AI
what if I told you that in the next 5 minutes you could create an entire YouTube shorts Channel by just using AI now trust me I know how crazy that sounds but by the end of this video you're going to see exactly how it's done this video is part three in my completely free four-part video series that's only available for a limited time and in the previous videos in this series I revealed the best niches to do this in and how you can effortlessly create YouTube shorts by using AI now if you missed those the playlist will be linked down below where you can check them out and make sure to watch them now while they're still available and in this video I'm going to show you step by step how to create an entire Channel using AI in just 5 minutes plus I'm going to answer your biggest questions like how am I going to get views and how am I going to actually make lots of money doing this and then eventually in part four of this series you're going to tie it all together with the secrets you discover and start making months worth of YouTube shorts in minutes so starting off I'm going to set a timer for 5 minutes and within those 5 minutes I need to generate enough YouTube shorts to start off this channel now I'm going to be using vid.wmv going to select life hacks for this one right here and now here's where the magic happens I'm going to start my timer and we'll see if I can make enough YouTube shorts in 5 minutes and we're going to start it right now basically all I'm going to do is just keep the default narrator and all this type of stuff and just click generate content right there then I can open up VI in a new tab right here and then just click create go to faceless shorts and do popular topics select life hacks and just repeat this process just continually generating more and more short and I love how I can have a short generated in the background and then once the content is ready I can just go in Click next and then actually generate the short of course you can add music and everything if you wanted to do that but I'm trying to be fast with this right here to generate enough shorts in order to start an entire channel so I'm just going next generate and just repeating this process clicking create shorts go to popular topics and we will select life hacks there we go generate the content and just repeating this building up short by short and once the videos are done I'm just going to click download to download these onto my computer just going to keep generating a few more [Music] [Music] all right and I'm just finishing up my last short right here and there's a few more seconds on the clock and the short is done with just a few seconds to go let's see if I made enough shorts to start this channel out in the last 5 minutes I managed to generate 10 different YouTube shorts that could be scheduled to go out one short per day so it would last US 10 days in literally only 5 minutes that is more than enough to get your channel started anybody watching this could literally use 5 minutes just like I did you could do this with vid.met shorts but first let me say that vidai is the lowest price it will ever be and if you want to get grandfathered into that price before we raise it you can keep it forever even if the price goes up to $200 $300 per month as we're adding more and more features the best time to do that is right now and you can do it at the link below now here's one of the shorts that we just generated did you know that lemons can help you clean your home just squeeze some lemon juice onto a cloth for a natural cleaner it cuts through grease like magic toss a few lemon peels in your disposal for a fresh scent plus it adds a refreshing twist to your water so next time you see a lemon think Beyond just flavor this and nine other shorts were just generated in only 5 minutes which makes this the best method on the internet for making YouTube shorts because let's look at the alternative are you going to sit there and spend tons of money on separate editing software separate text to speech software to make a short like this in an hour or would you rather invest your money into just one AI software to generate 10 of them in 5 minutes by choosing the second option you're going with what's easier for you and you're making YouTube shorts a business and now all you have to do is upload your shorts schedule them to go out every single day or if you want to go above and beyond you can even do two a day 1 in the morning one in the afternoon and then if you have long form content you can add what's called a related video and push people to that but in order to make sure that you have Elite metadata and to make sure your short is optimized to actually get views this is a secret that most people don't do when they're uploading their short what they can do is go on over to my other software called tube magic and scroll down and click warp upload from here select content and then write something like a YouTube short about life hacks then click generate and now I've saved myself even more time because instead of sitting there and optimizing my video and writing out a title trying to think about what I'm going to say in the description filling out the tags I've done it in seconds by using an AI algorithm that studies videos with tens of millions of views to make sure that your video is as optimized as possible then I can literally go in here and click this button to copy these and just paste them into their respective spots when I'm uploading the short and then I can simply schedule my short and use the warp upload tool to get 10 of these schedule Ed in just a few minutes and if any of you guys want to use this warp upload tool to automate viral metadata for your videos or even just use any of the insane AI tools that tube magic offers we even have a thumbnail generator now as well as a bunch more that you can go ahead and try it below for completely free now you might be wondering why is this software free and vid.wmv keep the lights on but with tube magic you can try it for completely free and trust me it will be one of the best investments you ever make into doing YouTube If you just try it out and now if I want to get a banner done for my channel I can literally whip it up in a couple seconds using something like mid Journey which is an AI image generation bot on Discord and for my channel name I'm simply going to go back to tube magic go to the micro tools and then select the channel name generator yes we've literally built a tool just for that and then I can type something in here like a Channel about doing life hacks click generate and from here now I've got several great ideas like hack tastic life hackery Quick Fix Secrets these are all great ideas that I could potentially use and just like that in under 5 minutes you have a fully operational shorts Channel that's ready to start racking up views now I've shown you the best way to start generating YouTube shorts on the entire internet but this series isn't just about learning it's about action so let's go over the reasons you may not be doing this insane method right now the first objection you might have is how am I going to actually get views doing this and the most false belief that you can have for doing this is that you already need a big Channel or that you already need millions of views to keep getting millions of views you have to realize that every single Channel out there even the ones made a couple months ago or a year ago all started with zero subscribers and zero views and eventually one of their shorts popped off and got a ton of views now don't expect millions of views from just one video you're going to want to upload a lot of videos and keep in mind that 90% of the views will come from just 10% of your shorts in fact I see a lot of million subscriber channels not getting many views at all because they don't follow the secret for getting tons of views on your channel the answer lies in volume and consistency shorts are designed to go viral YouTube literally pushes them to new AIO audiences which is why they get more views than long form content and by uploading regularly in one of the best niches like I went over in the second video in this series your chances of hitting that Viral wave increase exponentially and another thing is that you don't want to be looking at how many views each and every single short gets what you want to be looking at is your total number of monthly views every single month and if you upload hundreds or even thousands of shorts across your channel you just need each one on average to drive a very small amount of views and let's say you have a couple get a ton of views then you want to look at your average monthly views per month rather than an individual short and call yourself a failure because that short only got 100 views whereas if you just kept with doing this you could literally be a month away from getting millions of views every single month so if you're going to do this don't just watch this video and do nothing make sure to take action with this and start a channel and actually schedule content to get upload and treat this seriously because YouTube can potentially change your life like it has changed mine and if you're genuinely worried about not getting views doing this make sure to use something like the tube magic warp uploader so you can generate that Viral metadata while saving you a ton of time now the second objection you might have is how am I going to actually make money doing this and here's where most people get it wrong they think that the only way to make money doing this is to rely entirely on ad Revenue this is where YouTube puts ads on your cont content you get a tiny amount of money especially when it comes to YouTube shorts they pay out a lot less than long form videos but with the method I'm showing you you don't need to rely on ad Revenue instead you're using a high payout partner to monetize your shorts by sending people to a long form video that then sells the high payout partner product that you're promoting and I'm going to reveal how to do this more in depth in the next video in this series but let's do the math real quick if your channel gets 50,000 views a day on YouTube short which is literally nothing when it comes to shorts because shorts can get a lot of views very easily then you could funnel a ton of those viewers into your long form video which promotes the high payout partner product if one out of a 100 of them are funneled then you would have 500 views to your long form video per day and if just one of those 500 people buy a product that you get a $400 Commission on then you've just made $400 in one day and that's on track to make 122,00 ,000 in a month and soon I'm going to give you a direct blueprint and a checklist for doing this remember that this series is not just about learning it's about action and with vid.me discount for it is only available right now and once it's gone it's gone you saw how quickly that I built a channel using thought that this video was powerful wait until you see part four I'll show you exactly how to make $2,789 75s per month re-uploading YouTube shorts with actual proof from my students doing this right now and my new course called the shorts Mastery course is coming out in a few days and if you want to get access to that at a huge discount before the general public can a day before then you can join What's called the early bird weight list and that'll be linked down below as well and if If part four is already live you can check it out next to me right here on the screen if it's not yet make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss it when it comes out your YouTube Journey does not have to be hard with AI the game has changed and so what's stopping you make sure to watch the final part when it comes out and to take action now